Well said. I've known of just two Transexuals in my life, and they transitioned in the 90s. I've always wondered what their take on all this and suspected it would be as you've articulated here. I've been fighting this movement in my house for the last 4 years when my daughter came home at 12 and said she wanted to be a boy. It totally blindsided me and I knew she wasn't a Transexual. This transgender cause is alien to me. I've now realised it's a communist movement at it's core. It doesn't care about who it harms, it only cares about destroying the norms of our tolerant western civilisation. She's read animal farm, 1984, brave new world and Stalin's biography and is now fully deradicalised. She understands there are genuine Transexuals and they aren't Transgender.

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Thank you. As a feminist I agree with your stance. Extreme trans rights activists (TRAs) have successfully polariser opinion in the gender wars and transexual people who just want to get on with their own lives will suffer. The ££ beneficiaries are big pharma & healthcare companies. TRA perspectives are reactionary and homophobic: transing the gay away. They rely on outdated strict gender stereotypes and put people into tight little boxes. It suffocates diversity.

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