Author’s Note: This article is an intimate chronicle of my search for answers, unravelling the complexities of my condition, as well as the inconvenient truth why "some transgender people" stand apart from the many.
Tossed into a Raging Storm
In the era of 'transgender,' a young transsexual, battling to decode their own pathology, is tossed into a 'community' like a life preserver. Yet, it is not a lifeline, but a tether, yanking them into a raging storm of conflicting ideologies and misinterpretations.
Identity Hijacked
They find themselves in a world where their unique medical condition is not respected for what it is, but diluted, distorted, and hijacked to serve sociopolitical narratives that ultimately erase their identity. A world where the term 'transsexual' is labelled outdated and offensive, where 'gender' and 'sex' are recklessly interchanged, and where anyone defying societal expectations of males and females is automatically stamped with the 'trans' prefix.
The Distorted Reflection
Transsexuals today are shown a mirror that reflects a distorted image, an ideology-spun illusion that replaces their reality. Their distress, a primal cry from the core of their being, is diminished by their 'community' as 'internalised transphobia'. In the throes of their struggle, they're told they don't need dysphoria to be trans. But dysphoria is not a checkbox on a list of 'trans' criteria they’re trying to meet - transsexualism is their horrible, lived reality, a relentless torment that eats at their core.
Progress or 'Progress'?
Transsexuals are not men in wigs nor women with beards. Their existence isn’t an 'identity,' it’s a medical reality. But today, the world parades these fallacies, normalising transphobic stereotypes, while erasing the medical condition of transsexualism and replacing it with 'gender incongruence'.
The Ideological Assault
In a world where ideology prevails over biology, transsexuals are told that their drive towards sex reassignment is 'violently enforcing gender norms.' They are criticised for 'invalidating non-binary identities' when all they seek is acknowledgment of their unique experiences, of their complex biology. Their cries for a medical understanding of their condition are dismissed as 'reinforcing harmful stereotypes,' and they are accused of being 'true transsexual scum' or 'transmedicalists'. Their 'community' labels them as privileged, but is it privileged to experience a visceral discomfort that makes you stop at nothing to alleviate it?
'Transgender' Privilege
The cissexual majority in the 'trans umbrella' — those fortunate enough to not experience the pain of transsexualism — remain blissfully ignorant of the transsexual strife. They argue, judge, and berate, wielding their privilege like a weapon. The medical needs and experiences of transsexuals are dismissed and distorted to fit into a 'gender revolution' narrative, and weaponised to bully the public into accepting things transsexuals neither need nor want.
A Lonely Labyrinth of Contradictions
The young transsexual, then, is trapped in a paradox, in this era of ‘Transgender’. They are constantly told they are valid, yet they must constantly fight for their validity. They are told they don’t need to medically transition by their 'community', even as their body screams for it. They are informed they are 'transphobic', for being transsexual.
Imagine living in a world where your existence is a silent protest against an ideology that refuses to acknowledge you. That is the tragically lonely world of a transsexual in the era of 'transgender'.
Tired Transsexual is the pen name of a male-to-female transsexual who lives in the U.K. Her Twitter account is @tiredtransmed.