Sacrificed at the Altar of Gender Ideology: Transsexuals in the Era of Organised Transvestism
The transgender movement has become a beacon for many, a symbol of acceptance, progression, and an evolved understanding of human identity. But beneath this warm, rainbow-coloured exterior lies a much more complex, and in many ways, darker truth. For those willing to brave a deeper dive, one discovers that what many herald as 'progress' is nothing more than an ideological mirage: the dogma of organised transvestism.
The Roots of Misdirection: Charles 'Virginia' Prince
To understand how we got here, one must first go back, back to the era of Charles 'Virginia' Prince, the godfather of organised transvestism. Prince, a chemist by trade and a crossdresser in personal life, has left an indelible mark on the landscape of gender ideology. He was not a transsexual. He was a man who derived pleasure from wearing women’s clothing — a transvestite. And yet, his beliefs, born out of his personal experience and a self-centred, vehemently anti-transsexual worldview, would later be the bedrock upon which modern gender ideology stands.
Prince championed the cause of crossdressing organisations, moulding a space where like-minded individuals could congregate, share, and evolve their understanding of their inclinations. But what started as a personal journey soon took on the form of a crusade. Prince, along with his acolytes, began to evangelise an ideology which stated that 'gender is a performance'. In this belief system, biology takes a backseat, and the act, the performance, becomes paramount.
From Performance to Dogma
In this, lies the heart of the modern transgender movement: the sacrament of self-identification. A person can be whoever they feel like, irrespective of the tangible realities of biology. Such a narrative is poison for transsexuals, who have, for years, relied upon the concrete understanding of physical dysphoria. The struggle of a transsexual is not about putting on a show; it's about aligning one's entire being with a deeply felt, often painfully experienced reality.
Yet, the echoes of Prince's ideology can be seen today, with the rise of concepts like neopronouns. Unlike the medical condition of transsexualism, which is rooted in own-body sex perception, based on the presence of physical dysphoria, and seeks alignment with one's experienced 'true' sex, gender ideology conflates gender roles, behaviors, and appearances with intrinsic self-understanding, leading to the rise of concepts like neopronouns.
Performative pronouns aren't tools of understanding, as many would have you believe. No, they are the ideological descendants of the 'gender as performance' doctrine, an attempt to codify a wholly subjective, personal 'inner sense' of gender into the fabric of our language and societal structures.
Transsexuals: Casualties in a War of Ideologies
Amidst this ecclesiastical fervour, transsexuals stand as the dissenting voices, the apostates. For the transsexual, this is a silent war. A war where the very essence of their existence, backed by decades of medical research and rooted in biological realities, is being systematically eroded and replaced by the abstract, subjective identities and the whims of personal self-identification. This is not advancement; it's erasure. The transgender movement, while parading under the banners of progress and inclusivity, is redefining what 'dysphoria' means and is actively silencing and invalidating the lived realities of transsexuals.
A New Religion?
It's all very religious when you stop and think about it. The unquestionable tenets of gender ideology, the sins of 'misgendering' or 'deadnaming', the rituals like pronoun circles, and the utopian promise of a society 'beyond the gender binary'—it's eerily reminiscent of any structured faith. But unlike most faiths that strive for spiritual enlightenment, this religion relentlessly seeks to overwrite biological, medical, and personal truths.
Beyond the Fog of Ideology
The transgender movement isn't about a broader understanding or deeper acceptance; it's about the propagation of an ideology as rigid and dogmatic as any religious creed. It’s a faith born from the recesses of crossdressing organisations, magnified by modern queer theory, that's marginalising and harming the very people it claims to represent.
Transsexuals are not asking for the world, just the right to exist without being overshadowed by an ideology that erases them. It’s time the world looked beyond the charade of the 'trans umbrella' and stood with those who genuinely need understanding and support. It’s time to reassert the medical model of transsexuality.
Tired Transsexual is the pen name of a male-to-female transsexual who lives in the U.K. Her Twitter account is @tiredtransmed
Thank you for all transexual ppl